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Town Deliberative Session Procedures

Below you will find the content of the Town of Merrimack Moderator Rules of Procedure reformatted for online display.
Question relating to the procedures outlined below should be directed to the Town Moderator.
Merrimack Town Meeting Moderators Rules of Procedure
  1. The moderator will take the articles in order as they appear on the Warrant unless the moderator announces the intent to take Articles out of order.
  2. The Moderator will consider each Article as follows:
    1. The Moderator will announce the Article number and the subject of the Article. The Moderator will not always read the entire article.
    2. The Moderator will recognize an individual for the purpose of making a motion relating to the subject matter of the Article. (The wording of the motion may or may not be exactly as the print in the Warrant)
    3. The motion must be seconded prior to any further discussion.
    4. The person making the motion will be given the first opportunity to speak to the motion. (5-10 minutes will be allowed for the initial presentation.)
  3. The motion is available for debate as follows:
    1. Any registered voter may speak to the motion or propose an amendment. (3 minutes are allowed per speaker).
    2. Any motion not mirroring the written article must be presented to the Moderator in writing
    3. The Moderator will not accept any negative motions. (Those motions requiring a "no" vote to vote in the affirmative)
    4. The Moderator will recognize voters as they are lined up at a microphone (This includes the Town Council on the stage) All other speakers will be considered out of order.
    5. The speaker should first clearly state their name and address.
  4. Comments or questions must be addressed to the Moderator. The Moderator will determine the appropriate individuals to answer any questions from the floor. (Voters may not engage in direct debate with other voters.)
  5. Voters wishing to speak again should yield to any who have not already had an opportunity to speak on the motion.
  6. A motion to call the question will be recognized only if it is the first comment by the current speaker. It will not be accepted by the Moderator is there are significant voters wishing to speak. (The Moderator may chose to accept it pending those speakers in line at a microphone being allowed to their opportunity on the floor)
  7. Amendments will be handled as follows
    1. Only one amendment will be considered at a time.
    2. The proposed amendment must be presented to the Moderator in writing.
    3. Amendments must address the subject matter of the original motion.
  8. General rules of procedure:
    1. All speakers must be courteous. The moderator will not allow personal attacks or inappropriate language
    2. Non-voters may not speak at the meeting with the exception of Town officials and consultants or experts with information pertinent to the article.
    3. Votes are not taken on main motions. They will be taken on all amendments. A vote by secret ballot may be requested by 5 voters present and identified.
    4. At any time after debate on a motion has been completed, a vote to "restrict reconsideration" will prevent that motion from being brought to the floor at any later time.
    5. Generally, no new articles will be considered after 10:30 pm. When debate on the motion under consideration at 10:30 in complete, the meeting will be adjourned to the next designated night. (The Moderator may chose to suspend this rule if it appears that the meeting will likely be completed by 11PM)
    6. The Moderator may order the police to remove anyone who is disruptive or violates the rules of the meeting.
Voters Rights and Responsibilities
Every voter is responsible to:
  1. Recognize that the meeting is a legislative assembly where voters gather to conduct business and the Moderator is responsible to preside over the meeting and ensure that the process is orderly.
  2. Review the Town Report in advance of the meeting, seek answers to any questions they have from the appropriate officials I advance of the meeting, attend informational meetings and hearings and to ensure meaningful debate at the meeting.
  3. Give the Moderator fair warning if you would like to do anything out of the ordinary, like presents slides, or propose significant changes to articles.
  4. Arrive early enough for the meeting to allow sufficient time to check in.
  5. Be courteous to all officials, presenters, and fellow voters. Recognize the right of others to have a differing opinion.
  6. Avoid personal attacks and inappropriate language.
  7. Understand that occasional problems are to be expected when presenting information to or managing the movement of large numbers of voters, and be patient and courteous with officials and fellow voters when they occur.
  8. Sign your voter card upon receipt and keep it to yourself. You will need to show this card to speak or vote at the meeting. If you leave the meeting, take it with you, do not throw it away at the meeting site.
  9. Do not smoke on School Property. This includes the bathrooms and the parking lots.
  10. Help the meeting to promptly complete its business on the warrant.