2021 Merrimack Votes Header

School District Deliberative Session Procedures

Below you will find the content of the School District Moderator's Rules of Procedure reformatted for online display. The Announcment section is read by the Moderator once the meeting begins.
Question relating to the procedures outlined below should be directed to the School District Moderator.
  1. Voting on both school and town issues will be on <Date> here at the Upper Elementary School, at St. John Neumann Church in South Merrimack and at St. James United Methodist Church in Reeds Ferry, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you aren't sure which is your polling place, please go to the Town's website, www.ci.merrimack.nh.us, or go to the Town Clerk's office. The Supervisors of the Checklist will be accepting voter registrations on Election Day.
  2. If you need an absentee ballot, you may request one at Town Hall during regular business hours or you may send them a request for one to be mailed to you. Please note: to get an absentee ballot, each person requesting one must sign the request. Ballots will be mailed as soon as they are available.
  3. There is to be no smoking on school property, inside or outdoors.
  4. You have received a voter card. Please be sure you have signed your name on the back of this card. In the event a secret ballot is petitioned tonight, the ballot inspectors and the assistant moderators will pass out the ballots and draw a line through your name on the voter card.
School District Town Meeting Moderators Rules of Procedure
  1. The rules we will be using this evening are the rules of the Moderator
    We do not use Roberts Rules of Order at the School District Deliberative Session. It is the right of the voting body tonight to vote to overrule the Moderator's Rules at any time.
  2. We will discuss one article at a time
    Once a motion is made and seconded, the person who made the motion will be allowed the first opportunity to speak to the motion.
  3. If you wish to speak to a motion, I ask that you show your voter card and state your name and address clearly. Address your comments or questions to me and please limit your remarks to 5 minutes.
  4. Please speak clearly into the microphone so all can hear. Please be polite and courteous while others are speaking. Please be respectful of other's opinions and their right to express them. Please allow others who have not had a chance to speak the courtesy of speaking before you approach the microphone for a second time.
  5. We will have only one amendment on the floor at any one time. All warrant articles, included petitioned articles, may be amended. An amendment may legally change the intent of a warrant article but may NOT change the subject matter.
  6. If you are going to propose an amendment, please write it out ahead of time. There are paper and pencils on the checklist tables for your use. After you have made the motion for the amendment, please give me the written copy so the School District Clerk and I can both have it correctly.
  7. When it appears we have reached the end of discussion, we will move on to the next warrant article. Any vote taken this evening will be regarding the wording of the article as it will appear on the ballot. No articles will be voted on for passage by the town this evening.
  8. I will not recognize a motion to call the question if you do so immediately after speaking to the issue.
  9. Motions to reconsider should be made as soon as possible after that vote.