2021 Merrimack Votes Header
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MerrimackVotes.org (what this site is based off of) first went online in 2007 in its attempt to provide Merrimack residents with a central location for unbias details on local elections.
We would like to know when you visited the site did it provide you with what you expected and if not please fill out the below questions to help MerrimackVotes.org -- or its new version - become better able to serve the voters of Merrimack in future local elections.

The form is broken up into simple questions about what the site provides. Check the box next to the item you feel could be changed, or that you agree with.

The bottom of the page allows you to enter some text about your experence on the site.

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In case there are questions presented in your feeback, we would like a way to contact you.
 More Process - VoterI would like more details on the voting and election process for voters.
 More Process - CandidateI would like more details on the voting and election process for candidates.
 More Deliberative Session Details I would like more details on the Deliberative Session
 More Election Day DetailsI would like more details on how Election Day works
 More Questions to CandidatesI think the Candidates should be asked more detailed questions (include sample questions in the comments field).
 More Article DetailsI would have liked to find more details beyond the voter's guide on articles. Provide details in the box below
Question/Feedback to posted Data
 Ability to Question Candidate ResponsesI found something wrong in a candidate statement and would have liked to be able to make a counter statement about it.
 Ability to Question Voters' Guide InformationI found the wording of a Voters' guide misleading and would have liked to be able to make a counter statement about it.
 LayoutI think the site layout needs updating (include details below)
 NavigationI had a hard time navigating the site
What you Learned and Comments
 Learned something newI learned something new about Merrimack's Election process.
 Learned candidate infoI learned something new about the candidate process.
 Learned article detailsI learned something new about the article(s)
How did you find this site?
Any other Comments or suggestions
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