2021 Merrimack Votes Header
Article 04
Below are details on Article 4.
Ballot Text:
Shall the District, if Article 3 is defeated, authorize the School Board to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article 3 cost items only?

(Majority vote required).

(Recommended by the School Board Vote: 5-0-0).

Article Details (Voters Guide)
This article gives the School Board the option of calling one special meeting to discuss cost items only in the negotiated agreement if not passed by the voters. If this article is not on the warrant, the School Board would have to petition Superior Court to get approval for a special meeting. The court only grants such special meetings for emergency purposes.


This article has been recommended by the School Board.

Candidate Responses
The below table represents candidates views on this article. Click on a candidate's name to display their views. If no response is available for a candidate you will remain on this page.
David Sydow Yes
Michelle Bronchuk Yes
Jenna Hardy Yes
Kenneth Martin Yes
Chandra Miller Yes
Lori Peters Yes
Scott Sabens Yes
Jaimie Von Schoen Yes
Cinda Guagliumi Yes
Jennifer McCormack Yes
Rachel Paepke Yes